Winston "The Wolf" Wolf

Gentle reader:

First thing this morning we woke up to the weekly OCPAC email. The subject line of the email was, "Has God Endorsed a President?" That's a very bold statement. It reminded us of Harvey Keitel.

You see, Harvey Keitel was a favorite of Quentin Tarantino. When Tarantino likes an actor, he tried to find him or her a spot in movies whenever he could. By our count, Tarantino had Keitel in three of his movies. But it's his brief character in Pulp Fiction that is by far his most legendary: Winston Wolf. 

Why are we talking about The Wolf? Because of his legendary comment about getting too excited too early: "Well, let's not start sucking each other's dicks quite yet." If you need to see the entire scene the Wolf is in, you can find it here. It's awesome, and the demeanor of The Wolf is such that if he were a political consultant, he would win every race if his instructions were followed.

Seriously. Don't get too excited yet. One scenario that could play out is a 269-269 tie if Harris picks Pennsylvania Governor Shapiro for VP. The Democrats will stabilize and rally around Harris, even if they don't like her. The press has already begun to join back with Democrats. The post-labor day sprint is where races are won and lost. Let's not start sucking each other's dicks quite yet. Keep working, now perhaps harder than before.

Going specifically to the material content in the OCPAC headline, the Seminole Chief played high school football for the Atoka Wampus Cats. The leader of his Team Huddle used to desperately plead to his players not to pray for a win, but to pray for his team to compete incessantly. To do its best, and give its all. You know why? Because if both sides were praying for their side to win, one was definitely going to be disappointed. 

Anyone that has read any bit of C.S. Lewis would agree when we say that God is outside of time: Time is a construct we here on earth devised for our own way of managing a day. God is in the past, present, and future all at once. God knows every outcome centuries before you do. So did he "ordain" Biden to be President? What about Clinton? Certainly! And it's in the realm of possibility, as one of the two major party candidates, that he could ordain a President Harris. Ultimately, what we are writing here is that from God's perspective, the cake is baked, and he's not telling you who is "ordained" until - at the earliest - the evening of November 5th. 

Recall the Jewish people of the Old Testament: the Jewish people repeatedly pleaded for a king and we are told that God refused repeatedly. Finally, he gave them a king. Was it a good king? Absolutely not. It wasn't at all what they wanted. In fact, he was terrible. The lesson of that story is don't plead for things without considering the unintended consequences. 

In summary, consider a few things during the next four months: 

1) Don't get too locked in that it's a done deal that Trump will be the next President. Put the work in. A good Calvanist knows that the protestant work ethic requires us to labor at the task.

2) Trying to predict whom God has "ordained" is like trying to predict when Christ will come again.

3) Pray for our team to do what it needs to do to win, not for victory, and

4) Go Wampus Cats.  

With love,



Just a few questions

