Guest Note by Ron Black

Gentle reader: 

Following our last email, 

Ron Black asked if we would publish a personal note to you. Well, of course! So, without edit, please find Ron's thoughts:

Dear Chickasaw Warrior(s) and fans, therein...

I am humbled to my core that you would remember and even repost the rantings of a crazy man like myself.  And I'm immeasurably grateful for your thoughts and prayers and good tidings and animal sacrifices.  

You know, there are those right now who would proclaim, "Ha!  The Gorilla is getting exactly what he deserves."  My response to that is very simple and from the heart:  "No, it is not what I deserve.  If any of us received what we actually DESERVED, it would be considerably more horrifying (see Romans 3)."  Health issues are not fun and yes, they are scary as all get out, but I survived a transplant as well as having Bill Clinton as President, so I think this leukemia thing will be handled accordingly.

One thing that I absolutely love about the Chickasaw Warrior is the fact that while it's important to take issues seriously, there is a standing reality that we should never take ourselves too seriously.  I remember something my old pastor used to say; "There is nothing more dangerous than a Christian with a 'cause' - any cause other than the Cross."  It still applies today in every aspect of life...politics included.  The Chickasaw Warrior gets that and it is a breath of fresh air to be sure with all the vitriol, anger, bed-wetting, and hand-wringing in the GOP these days.  Sheesh.  We need to take some Prozac and chill.

Well, thank you again for being kind to this artist formerly known as the "400lb Gorilla of Oklahoma Media."  I don't deserve the kindness, but I do appreciate it.  Keep up the good work!

Ron Black

US Navy Veteran

Formerly known as the "400lb Gorilla of Oklahoma Media"

Transplant Survivor 

Guitarist, 151 Band


Action Figure Charity Linch


Ron Black Radio