Action Figure Charity Linch

Gentle reader:

Did you watch college basketball this weekend? We did. Apparently the thing in college basketball is to shoot three-pointers (and LOTS of them) from as far back as you can independent of whether any of them go in. Basketball used to be a sport where you tossed the ball into Patrick Ewing, Hakeem Olajuwan, or Bill Laimbeer and the middle was the focus of the game. Now your big men are there only to rebound your missed shots, unless they are shooting from the perimeter themselves. Sorry, none of you are big man Sam Perkins, nor pure shooter Steph Curry. Now THAT'S a big man that could shoot. We watched so many missed three pointers this weekend it was like watching Leslie Nessmith offering up losing candidates: only occasionally do any of them land. Let's get into it, shall we?

We've talked elusively about

polls that we've seen related to Ryan Walters, and the anecdotal rumblings that we hear from door knockers across the state, Well, has published a few of the numbers we've seen. We know, polls can be faked, blah blah blah, but you don't get this many consistent results unless the smoke really IS fire. One meaningful takeaway from among the many in the article:

"All told, the open-ended question seeking description of Walters in “as many or as few words as you’d like” yielded 72.2 percent negative opinions from the Oklahoma Republicans surveyed."

That's among Republicans. Statewide. Not just Southern Hills or Nichols Hills RINOS. Statewide. (Conversely, we believe that if polled, Oklahomans that live in Colorado would support Ryan 100%. Right, Mr. and Mrs. Tapp?) Frankly, we think that most of those negative comments would disappear if the dude would simply run his agency effectively. But he doesn't. And that's a problem.

With Ronna McDaniel now

at NBC news, all of the commentary has focused on how her fellow employees don't want her there. But this morning one news story sticks out for noticing a more important element: Ronna was really good at toeing Trump's line despite disagreeing with it while at the RNC. Now unshackled from the company line, Ronna admits what even Wayne Hill knows unless he's dumber than we give him credit for: beyond some states sending out absentee ballots to everyone in the state illegally during COVID, there is no evidence of widespread election fraud. Remember, even Trump's own attorneys told courts this. 

Hell, even Action Figure Charity Linch

recently wrote an article that shocked us: She doesn't agree with everything Trump does. For as strident as she is in the rest of the article about bowing down to Trump, she sneaks that gem in there hoping no one will notice. You can't go hard core full retard in an article like this and then back down a little without saying, specifically, what you don't agree with him on. We'd encourage folks to ask her for specifics that she's in disagreement on. You don't say this if it's just a minor thing or two. We need to know more. 

We also wonder if the most gun-friendly governor in the country, Wyoming Governor Mark Gordon, gets a pass for vetoing a bill to allow guns in public schools due to separation of powers issues with the Wyoming Constitution? You wrote about this in your article too, Charity. Frankly we think Action Figure Don should comment on this as well, but both will likely sidestep the question because it's outside of the state.  

For the Election Reform-minded folks

we are hearing that the Governor's blue ribbon panel is done with their work. We are looking forward to the celebration/gnashing of teeth/nonsensical comments about whatever they come out with coming soon.

Quick hitter today, baseball season starts this week. Guess who's going to the Cubs game in Arlington on Thursday? (The CW team raises their hands)




Trans day of Visibility and Murder in Cimmaron County


Guest Note by Ron Black