A New Conspiracy for You

Gentle Reader:

Let's start out talking about 

something predictable. It was always going to end this way, wasn't it? 

By state law, each County Chair is required to appoint a member and an alternate to their county election board. The State Chairman does this for the state election board. (We discussed this when the drama stirred up by That Dude Wendy Steerman occurred in Washington County.) If the County Chair fails to appoint folks, either the State Chair, or the Election Board does it for the county. Well Ken Warner in Oklahoma County was feeling super-duper MAGAy last spring, and appointed Cheryl Williams as the county election board member, and Jenni White as the alternate. We've received lots of information from many of you about the circumstances here.

You know Cheryl. We honestly believe there's something wrong with her thyroid, or she's bipolar, or possibly just the most toxic moron you've met, but she got on the board and did what you'd expect: brought cupcakes to the staff and told them she appreciated them gave the staff the red ass. Regularly and pervasively. But perhaps more significantly, she donated more than $700 to Ronda Peterson in the HD 39 special election, and did not recuse herself from voting on certification of the election (she voted against it) nor did she ever disclose that she had donated. This would fail the Mic Rosado transparency test if Mic was willing to be honest about it. 

Jenni is a different bird. Unlike Cheryl, she can be reasoned with to an extent. But her purity gets her in trouble. Her big thing du jour is absentee ballots. And she thinks that because absentee votes don't match day-of, in-person ballot results. Ignore that this has never been the case, of course. But Jenni is upset because she's not allowed in the room where the absentee ballots are counted in Oklahoma County. Our understanding is that she actually IS allowed, but the ballots must be counted in an open meeting of the election board, and there's no room in the count room for the public at large to sit in there in an open meeting. So the AG and the District Attorney have signed off on using closed circuit tvs during the open meeting. This isn't good enough for Jenni, and so she raises cain. Ignore that she doesn't go to each precinct and witness the counting of ballots there. 

There's more, but we're here to summarize. This all came to a head at the state election board last week. Complaints about county election boards are heard by the state election board. After eleven hours, guess which two patriots were voted off of the County Board? Yes. Cheryl and Jenni are no longer public officials.

If the action figures need a conspiracy

in all of this, remember we said that the State Chair appoints the Republican members of the State Election Board? The vote against the two was 3-0. Two of the members were appointed by the OKGOP Chair. Begin the conspiracy! Ferate appointed these two for the purpose of throwing Cheryl and Jenni out! SOME OF YOU EMAILED US TO SUGGEST THIS! REALLY! Please tell us you really aren't that retarded. 

Senator Lankford's Immigration is out

and it was embraced widely fell flat. It was to be expected. Because rather than view it as a conversation and that a compromise might exist the House had its own plan until it failed yesterday. Yes. Impeachment of Homeland Secretary Mayorkis failed (because what would it have really accomplished?). So did stand alone support of Israel's defense. So what now? Nothing? No, Biden has exactly what he wanted: to do nothing, and now begin to blame Republicans for failing to fix the border. And it will stick. Yet again, we are the stupid party.

Meanwhile, False Prophet Jackson Lahmeyer

Is sending around emails calling to recall Lankford. Except Oklahoma doesn't allow for recall of elected officials. That's ok, all he really wants is to collect your email address to send you more biblically-based nutty content. You're good with that, right?

RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel

is reportedly preparing to step down. Many believe that she is the reason we haven't managed to win the past few years. The reality is that Trump himself has been a problem with winning suburban votes and raising money. In the one election where Trump was not involved at all, Virgina, we blew out the dems for the first time in a long time. The RNC was involved, but Trump wasn't. But of course she's the problem. 

It's of course time for her to go if only for the fact that she's been there forever. But if you think she's the problem, your reasoning ability should be questioned.

Enjoy your week! CW/CM/SC


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