From Russia with Love

Gentle reader:

Fresh off of a meeting in Coweta with a national PR firm, we are energized that so many of you have embraced our blunt, no-frills coverage that calls out the BS from our own side. Demand for our emails increases nonstop, and we appreciate the feedback and support. Shall we jump in? We don't know where to start this morning!

Alexander Navalny passed yesterday

as an enduring patriot to his Russian motherland dedicated to American principles of freedom in a nation that has never possessed them. If you haven't seen the Oscar Award-winning documentary Navalny, you're really missing out. After surviving a poisoning attempt, and recovering outside of the country, he returned to his country and was immediately arrested, never to walk free again. Putin felt THAT threatened by him. But that wasn't the end. He continued to speak through his attorneys and friends. The response and following was so immense that he was eventually moved to the IK-3 Penal Colony Polar Wolf gulag. Russian prisons aren't known for comfort, and the Polar Wolf is about as remote as you can get. You cannot drive there from Moscow. The temperatures are regularly below zero in the prison, and the regular beatings and abuse at IK-3 would make an ISIS member blush. 

We are told that Navalny died after a "walk" yesterday. Most enemies of the former Soviet state die from really shocking poisonings or falling from a balcony (balconies never seem too sturdy around enemies of Putin) but there's no balconies in the gulag, so I guess falling after a walk was the best they could come up with. In 2021 Biden said there would be hell to pay if Navalny died in prison. Yeah, we'll see. Frankly, we wouldn't expect much from Trump, either. He likes perceived strongmen, and if it weren't for the Constitutional system we possess, we wouldn't be surprised to see him copy more authoritarian regimes. Just being honest.

While Navalny's death was imminent

Tucker Carlson went full retard and did an interview with Putin where he was fully used while Putin created an alternate history of the Ukrainian people. And suggested that there is no basis for a Ukrainian nation. I suppose this means that Texas and New Mexico should still be part of New Spain under this thinking, but whatever.

Tucker wasn't finished there. He did a glowing report from a grocery store (he actually said that the experience "radicalized" him against our government) and then was AMAZED by how beautiful the subway station (built by Stalin and still holds a portrait of Lenin in it) right next to the Kremlin is. The stop at McDonald's took the cake. 

Ignore that the average grocery bill in Russia takes more than 50% of a citizen's paycheck (in the US it's 6%). Ignore that this was an old Soviet trick to take the media to the ONE grocery store only senior government officials could afford to shop in, and actually had all of the shelves stocked. Ignore that most Moscow subway stations are shitholes (google doesn't offer images of those).  Tucker proved himself as what the intel community calls a "useful idiot." His blind desire to be loyal is used by the regime.

We can't wait for Tucker's episode from the Polar Wolf Gulag, "It's GREAT here! What did Navalny complain about???"

Ukraine was raised in emails

with readers after our last release. Again, we say this: In the 90's we, the United States, told Ukraine that if it returned the Russian nukes held in its country to Russia, the U.S. would guarantee its protection and safety. There is no question about this fact. You may have concerns about our weapons being sold to others, we do to. But that doesn't mean that we shouldn't keep our word to Ukraine. Think harder on how to solve the problem instead of failing to keep our word because the Orange man wants to be as cool as Putin.


came from the Fulton County, Georgia Courthouse this week:  True the Vote filed a brief with the court admitting that despite attempting to do so, they have found NO EVIDENCE OF ELECTION FRAUD IN GEORGIA. Weird. 

True the Vote was a serious and legitimate group when it was founded in 2010 as a tea party effort. But they became as nutty as Don Spencer and Wayne Hill at a cockfight in Atoka. (Don and Wayne didn't really attend a cockfight that we know of, but we can still picture the two of them shotgunning Keystone Heavys while betting on their favorite Puerto Rican cock, "el jefe."

Speaking of Don Spencer,

he had a rough week. After convincing some national friends to spend  waste thousands of dollars opposing Greg McCortney for Senate Pro Tem in waiting, (McCortney won with more than 40 votes on the first ballot). Does Don have any friends left up there? Not looking good for Don. And only a handful of protesters showed up to back him up. Poor Don!

In fairness, we have concerns about which Governor McCortney prefers to work with. He hates Stitt, but loves and listens to everything Governor Anaotubby tells him in the pews of First Baptist Ada. Jill Daugherty will get a little larger space to work from next session we guess. Congrats, Jill! (Yes, we each hold tribal cards, but have serious problems with how liberal our governments are. They will destroy our state if we let them. Mike Stopp for Cherokee Chief!)

That was a lot! It's enough for now, too. Have a good weekend! 



Cocaine Mitch


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