Guest Columnist: In Defense of Dahm – Aftermath

Yesterday, the ‘dueling’ State Committee ‘meetings’ were held. Chairman Dahm called the 1:30 meeting, and Vice Chairman Hill called the 4:00 meeting. There is (of course) dispute as to which meeting was legitimate, which call was correct, and basically every other detail.

Credentialling took a long time due to 16 people having ‘issues’. Those break down as: 2 people not eligible, 6 people who arrived after registration closed at 1:30, 8 people who could not be confirmed by official party records, and 150 people who were on official party records as members and registered on time. So that everyone knows, ‘official party records’ means that a County Committee Meeting was held, minutes were taken, and someone was elected to be a Chairman, Vice Chairman, State Committeeman, or State Committeewoman - or an Alternate. Those minutes (which say when a meeting happened, where, who attended, and how the vote(s) for office went) are then BY RULE to be sent to the State Chairman. The State Chairman is to use this verification to have the Secretary confirm someone who is saying ‘I’m on the State Committee’ actually is on it. This way only those eligible to be on the State Committee are allowed to vote. You know, cause we care about accurate voting…

The AC was broken, through no fault of anyone involved with the GOP (facility issue, thanks OSU-OKC). The body voted to allow the 14 people (late + no official records) as members for the meeting and that brought the voting members of the day to 164. Since a quorum is 100 by party rules, the meeting could now begin.

Except, it didn’t. Someone immediately challenged Chairman Dahm’s meeting call as illegitimate. This prompted debate and motions and seconds and such (I’m not going to do a point-by-point on this part) and then a vote by the members as to whether it was a legitimate meeting. A voice vote was taken and it was overwhelmingly clear the room was divided - so a standing vote was done. I personally counted votes and there were about 20 ‘extra’ votes in my count (I did it twice). The Chairman then went to a ballot vote due to discrepancies.

164 ballots were counted out, and all sides watched and agreed this number of ballots was what was handed out. Two extra ballots had to be handed out since two voting members didn’t get ballots - therefore, 166 ballots were out. The vote eventually was taken and 166 ballots were returned, with 67 voting the meeting was legit, and 99 that it was not (yes, this means two people voted twice but good luck figuring out who they are). The Chairman adjourned his no-longer-valid meeting and much of the room left.

It should be noted here that if the entire room had voted to remove Chairman Dahm, assuming they had that authority at this meeting, there were not enough State Committee members present to do so. It should also be noted that he repeatedly stated if the State Committee wants to remove him they are welcome to, but they must follow our procedures to do so.

After the ‘Dahm Meeting’ a second ‘Hill Meeting’ was convened. I did not stick around for this but I have been told they had 121 credentialed members of the State Committee in attendance. Since I don’t consider this meeting to have been properly called I am not concerned with anything they think they did. I feel bad for those who traveled long distances, and of course all of us that wasted the day, who attended meetings that accomplished almost nothing. But not, exactly, nothing.


These events have clarified for observers the ‘breakdown’ of the State Committee. Among those who showed up a majority were ‘anti-Dahm’, but they’re only about 1/3rd of the State Committee, probably a little less. They don’t have the votes to remove Chairman Dahm. It is likely this was a ‘high water mark’ against the Chairman - those wanting to remove him showed up, and this was their ‘shot’. It is also likely that the votes to remove the Vice Chairman - which I have advocated for - do not exist at this time. Without a significant amount of persuasion it is unlikely that this impasse will change. Therefore we have a ‘status quo’ situation. Chairman Dahm will continue to lead the Party. In about two weeks he will lead Oklahoma’s delegation to the National Convention.

In my opinion, it would be wise to focus on the National Convention, then the General Election. There is much work to be done. These removal actions are unwarranted, unprecedented and unproductive. People will tell you I am incorrect on this matter, but I am referring not to membership of the State Committee. I am speaking of the Chairman and/or Vice Chairman being removed. There is a different set of Rules that apply in that case.

These actions are the work of an angry organized minority leveraging our processes to gain control of the Party. They failed yesterday. I don’t expect them to stop trying, or to listen to my advice - but I can give it anyway, and perhaps others will find value in this opinion. I would ask them to start by asking themselves what they actually want, and what they would actually do with the GOP should they gain control. It does not appear to me that they have that part figured out. Just a tip…

Next year, we will elect new leadership at the State Convention. That will be the time for all sides to take up this fight. Until then, learn how to work together inside this impasse. Line your candidates up for Chair and Vice Chair and figure out what you’re going to do if/when you win. If/when you lose, swallow your ego and support the winner. Follow the Rules and don’t be rude. These are things that I shouldn’t have to say to adults but…well you know.

Let me say this to everyone, so you’re completely clear on this point: Chairman Dahm will not resign.

Finally, we are not the only state in turmoil. Around the country many states are dealing with this exact same ‘takeover’ effort. It may be coincidental and just a result of the deep-seated anger we all feel these days at our government and representatives, but it may be more. I don’t know, but my eyes are open and I am looking at other states now. I hope that President Trump has the bandwidth to make sure his right flank is secure, since I think he has a handle on the democrats and on the globalist wing of the GOP. I’ll be very happy when he gets through the convention.

On to victory, and Trump 2024!

Steve Dickson

Precinct 405 Chairman, Oklahoma County

2024 Oklahoma County Executive Committee

2024 Oklahoma County and State Convention Rules Chairman

2024 State Ad Hoc Resolutions Committee Chairman



