
Gentle reader:

Do you remember those motivational posters in the 90's? They would have a photo on them, a word like "success," then a brief motivational sentence under the word. Offices actually put them up, stores in malls sold them, they were the "in" thing at the time. As with all things, someone with a great mind created DEmotivational posters in response. The meme was born.

On Saturday, Wayne and the action figures failed. They didn't have enough people at their meeting and failed. Really, they "tabled" the effort to get rid of Dahm, but reality set in and they failed. They swear in a KOCO news story that they will try again in July after the RNC convention, but it will likely fail for exactly the same reason.

Anyone that watches Game of Thrones knows that if you go for the head you better succeed. Wayne did not succeed. He failed. And in tribute to his failure, we share a series of DEmotivational posters to honor their result. Enjoy!


Guest Columnist: In Defense of Dahm – Aftermath


Guest Columnist: In Defense of Dahm – Final