Unintended Consequences

Gentle reader,

We had not written in a while and many of you checked in on us. We also told many of you that we didn't plan to write as regularly this year. But here we are, writing a second piece this week. You go when the news tells you to go, I guess.

Let's start by naming an asshole

of the week. No, it's not Wayne Hill, but he's involved. Joe Vaden comes from the Brian Hobbs network in Kay County. He's a Wayne Hill appointee to the OKGOP Budget Committee and he has been at the center of the stupidity that has been coming from that group. 

Joe is one of these guys that doesn't think before he does, well, anything. Frankly, he may not think at all. In fact, according to OSCN, Joe has been charged with falsely reporting a crime in the past. That's relevant today because on January 17th of this year, he filed a false report against the OKGOP, Chairman Dahm, and volunteer State Treasurer John Elliott at the FEC. What does Joe claim? Well, somehow the contributions look weird in November 2023, he says. He also complains about the cost of the state convention, which the FEC wouldn't care about.

The proper thing to do before filing a legal complaint would be to actually be inquisitive and ask John and Nathan politely for the underlying data in the FEC reports. John has offered many times to let anyone come into the office to see the information and walk them through it. And if there's an error, he'd be happy to report it to the reporting contractor, Red Curve, so that it can be fixed. Instead, Joe fires off a missive that will cost the OKGOP likely more than $50,000 in legal costs to defend -- despite there being nothing to the claims. So you'll have to pay someone in DC to help with this. That's certainly money that now won't go to winning elections. Congrats, Joe, you've now put the OKGOP in the same situation as Donald Trump: they both have to spend significant campaign dollars to pay legal fees!

So what, Joe, do you think that John is somehow hiding money? You don't really explain your issue. Or why they might be hiding money. You know that campaign reports are filed under penalty of perjury, right? Now the FEC will let you amend if an issue comes up, but it all still comes at a cost with penalties.

Joe, your thoughtful retarded complaint, in which you claim Wayne Hill as a witness, earns you our "he should resign" award. You have actually hurt the party with this one, Joe. Resign. THIS is a prime example why we don't need Wayne and his hotheads around. Or perhaps why they should be given the whole thing so we can file FEC complaints against them. 

Actually, that's a GREAT idea.

When John Bennett was OKGOP Chair, he paid Miles Rahimi plenty of money to shoot videos for him. He even properly reported it to the FEC. The wise elder network informs us that Wayne Hill's Vice Chair videos and emails are NOT reported to the FEC (even in-kind contributions must be reported to the FEC.) Wayne signs these emails and is in the videos AS the OKGOP Vice-Chair. Maybe someone should file an FEC report against Wayne for failing to report the contributions HE has received for the services rendered. But then again, he probably has an excuse why he doesn't have to do that. Because the rules are good enough for thee, but not for me.

The Fake State Committee meeting

on Saturday is officially just that. We won't report Chairman Dahm's email from yesterday, but he thoughtfully explains why Wayne's genius boneheaded meeting demand is a problem: Precinct meetings in Oklahoma County and the CD1 meeting were already planned for the same time. Wayne, please make sure you turn in receipts for the OSU-OKC (BTW, a gun free zone, Wayne. Don's going to be pissed at you. Again.) site so it can be reported to the FEC.

Both of these rash decisions

lead to unintended consequences. And if they had simply been run by people that know what they are doing, they could have been avoided. Wayne Hill and Joe Vaden and the rest of the Action Figures are the reason we can't have nice things.

The rift between Governor Treat and Governor Stitt

continues. The House and Stitt want a tax cut. Treat won't even allow a vote on a cut. We appreciate that he's concerned about our state's financial position, but the Governor's proposal won't break the bank. He should allow a vote, even if he doesn't support it himself.

Speaking of Governors,

we'll leave you with this: We received pastor false prophet Jackson Lahmeyer's email today titled "If I was Governor." To be clear, he really does want to be Governor, and plans to run against Ryan Walters, Renzi Stone, Gentner Drummond, Matt Pinnell, and Charles McCall. Losing badly to Lankford wasn't enough we guess. In addition to his church campaign office here in Tulsa, he's opened one in OKC. Look, anyone that sells indulgences so that he can afford to pay Roger Stone to be his friend has no place in elected office. And we will stand by that position until the rapture. Keep speaking in tongues, Jackson!

Enjoy your day! 



A Man Without a Country


Populism Masked as Conservatism