Populism Masked as Conservatism

Gentle readers:

Some of you have emailed to check in since we haven't written in a while. We are here. Without going into detail, our lineup has changed a little. We doubt you'll notice a difference. Shall we get on with it?

Dear Leader Wayne Hill has

decided to yet again flex his muscles. You wouldn't really know since the dude is a prime candidate for Ozempic. But he issued a call for a state committee meeting for January 27. It does not seem like Chairman Dahm has joined the call, and no word on if he will show up.

What does Dear Leader want to accomplish? More division.

Wayne wants to censure the Labor Commissioner (that beat his friend Sean Roberts before Chairman Dahm beat Sean Roberts), as well as Senator Lankford.  He also wants the State Committee to declare that the CD3 Convention a) had a quorum (it didn't), and b) elected Brian Hobbs Vice Chair of the District (it didn't due to the issue in (a).) In full honesty, Leslie Osborne is basically a liberal at this point, and we don't agree with Lankford's current immigration proposal. But Lankford's proposal was DOA before it was even announced, and it's also part of moving toward a solution. And why bring attention to Leslie Osborne? Her job is to inspect elevators and county fair rides. She doesn't have taxing authority, and she doesn't let transvestites bearded ladies slide on pride festival carnival permits. It shouldn't even be an elected position! Ignore her, don't bring attention to her! She's small potatoes. (We are also reminded of Rob Johnson's stupid campaign ads when he wanted to bring "family values" back to the Corporation Commission, as if gay people were secretly getting a cut on their utility bills.) This leads to the next point.

The State Committee, if it has a quorum,

will appease the Dear Leader. Some will vote the way Wayne wants out of ignorance, some will vote out of some stupid sense of "fairness" that's as flimsy as a wet noodle, and yet others will do it because you are part of his cult. But it will happen, or we'll get in a fight over what quorum means again and Wayne will do it anyway.

All of this is because

we have now moved into a post-truth "good enough for me, but not for thee" populism.  What do we mean by this? The Action Figures tell you what the rules mean. And if challenged, the rules interpretations before their enlightened views were wrong. But if you use their interpretation of the rules to advocate for a position that they don't like, you will be told that you're wrong and they, of course, are right. We've provided numerous examples over the course of our emails, so go read those if you don't agree.

Which leads to our change of direction:

Let them have it. Let it burn. Dahm isn't hard core enough? He should resign and let Wayne take over. Elect Brian Hobbs Vice Chair. The next convention should install Lynelle Medley National Committeewoman. Hell, maybe Don Spencer or Sean Roberts should be National Committeeman. Let them have it all. (BTW, these people know that NCM/NCW have to pay their own way to RNC meetings, right? Same with the Chair if he doesn't raise enough money.) Let them have no excuse when it fails. They'll obviously complain about the tall building crowd shutting off donations, but ultimately they will be to blame for thinking they can do it without RINOS around. Victory won't be run through them since they censured members of the federal delegation, and the FEC allows it to be set up alternately, making them even more irrelevant. Remember that Senator Pat Roberts (R-Kansas) set up his own grassroots "party" for his last two races because the KSGOP burned it down. Lankford is likely already done dealing with the OKGOP at this point, so he'll likely do the same. And the RNC ran victory through a friendly county party in Nevada a few years ago when the misfit toys took that state over. They do not realize that the party is only as strong as the coalition and relationships with the elected officials.They want purity, let them have it. 

You all thought we hit rock bottom with John Bennett. We didn't because they didn't have control of it all. So let them have it. Even Republican Woman State Chair. All of it. Let them move (or make them move) out of the Dewey Bartlett center so that the trust can actually make money off of its tenants. It CAN be done without the OKGOP apparatus, so let it burn fully to the ground. Then we will be there with know-how and resources to restore it if we think it's worth it. It's time for this to happen. Quit fighting it. Let it happen. 

This doesn't mean that we won't watch and report on what we see, but you won't want to read us because it won't matter to anyone anymore.


The GOP Primaries are in full swing

and if you didn't know, Donald Trump is going to be the nominee. We will call our shot now: Donald Trump will not win in November. 

We've been called the stupid party many times over. And it's a fair argument, frankly. But we think we are more of a stubborn party. We don't want to recognize our mistakes, we get captured by a cult of personality, and elect a guy with more lawsuits against him than you can shake a stick at. "But they aren't fair lawsuits," you say because Trump tells you that. There has to be a grain of something in a lawsuit or it gets dismissed immediately. He's spending campaign funds on his legal defense. He endorsed the current Speaker of the House, but now wants him to move on. He's calling Nikki Haley Nancy Pelosi and rambles without point far more than he did in 2016 or 2020. He now says conservatives have gone too far on abortion, and you ignore it. Unlike 2016 or 2020, now the only place you can see his speeches is on Newsmax. We have only lost seats in Congress during the Donald Trump era, meaning that the suburbs have seen enough. And he continually argues with judges in open court over the last two weeks, the suburbs will shy away even more. 

"Well, you mean to say Republicans will vote for Biden?" No, we didn't say that. They won't fill in the box for President. And the action figures will be shocked and yell "fraud" again, because that's all they know.

Maybe we aren't the stubborn party. Maybe we are the stupid party. We could have picked a nominee without legal trouble and a chance to serve for 8 years because we want the guy we think got "cheated." Meanwhile Joe Biden will still be President with Gavin Newsome preparing to run against Trump in 2028. We could be wrong, but we doubt it. I'll remind you of this email in November.     

We haven't included song of the email 

in a while. This one from Living Colour (watch video below) fits far too well: 

Look in my eyes
What do you see?
The cult of personality

I know your anger, I know your dreams
I've been everything you want to be
Oh, I'm the cult of personality

Like Mussolini and Kennedy
I'm the cult of personality
The cult of personality
The cult of personality

Neon lights, a Nobel prize
When a mirror speaks, the reflection lies
You won't have to follow me
Only you can set me free

I sell the things you need to be
I'm the smiling face on your TV
Oh, I'm the cult of personality

I exploit you, still you love me
I tell you, one and one makes three
Oh, I'm the cult of personality

Enjoy your week, 

Chickasaw Warrior.


Unintended Consequences