If Truman Capote were alive

Gentle reader:

We attended the 2nd and 3rd district conventions

this weekend. Other than Brian Hobbs getting elected as a delegate to the RNC Convention, Kreeper Krems serving as the parliamentarian, and Patriot Roberts becoming an elector (really, CD3?), the district conventions were pretty lame. CD2 was done far too quickly. Boring! But that wasn't the news of the weekend. 

After the first email we sent out about Cimarron County,

Le Layne Tapp-Smith, one of the lesser-known Tapp family members in Cimarron County (we don't count Kenny Bob. He and his wife have admitted to living in Colorado) took to Facebook to criticize us for having no clue about what we were talking about when we started writing about Cimarron GOP County Chair Tifany Adams. Maybe this was a reactionary post because she was blinded by her hatred of the truth we write. Whatever it was, we were right. This weekend, Tifany Adams and her boyfriend Tad, along with two others were each arrested and booked into the Texas County Jail on "two counts of First-Degree Murder, two counts of Kidnapping, and one count of Conspiracy to Commit Murder in the First Degree" according to OSBI. There are some gruesome facts that we've been provided, and the Seminole Chief believes that this is death penalty material. Social media posts from the mother of one of the murdered women suggests that Tifany has admitted to the murder, but law enforcement officials have not said that so far.  The fact exists that a sitting GOP County Chair was charged with murder and sits in jail. I'm not sure she'll make it to the Convention this year. Like Truman Capote's famous book "In Cold Blood," this is a fascinating story that deserves a publication. (FYI, Harper Lee helped Truman with the interviews for the book. What a truly amazing lineup of authors working on a book!)

What the hell is wrong with the Action Figures?

We ask this in all seriousness! Truth and facts are relevant, and if someone has you dead to rights defend them anyway! We ask again, what the hell? Let's consider the record of our patriots:

  • Patriot Roberts: wife beater

  • Brian Hobbs: regular at the county jail

  • Lynelle Medley: bankruptcy, credit card fraud, yeller, and possessor of marijuana when it was illegal.

  • Ron Ron Causby: theft of controlled substances

  • Sandy Roberts: fake parliamentarian/retired sex worker

  • Kreeper Krems: stalker

  • Tifany Adams: charged with murder.

  • Vince Scoufos: general jackass.

That's a motley crew. Why are we putting these people in leadership positions? Seriously, we want to know what makes these people great choices as leaders of our party!  The short answer from us is that they are not. We believe the short answer from you is something similar to "the claims were bullshit, just like the charges against Trump!" You know that there are real truths, right? And they don't always match with your perspective, as much as you'd like them to. The Tifany Adams situation should provide evidence of a real need for critical analysis of things and the avoidance of blind faith. Only Jesus himself deserves that.

On another boring subject,

and in an effort to boost her failing campaign, Charity Linch wrote a poorly written retort to Nathan Dahm's email last week about the cost of the state convention. It echoes the same tired arguments everyone made last year. But everyone paid and attended last year, didn't they. Kinda feels like crying wolf to create an argument. Fool us once, shame on you. Fool us twice, shame on us. But we won't be fooled this time. 

Charity takes umbrage to the "no one is being forced to attend" argument from Dahm. Let's say this clearly: The OKGOP is a private organization. There are costs to participation. If you want to attend the RNC convention, you have to pay $6000. That's not negotiable. If you don't have it, you can't participate. On a much smaller scale, if you don't pay the $119 registration fee for the OKGOP convention, you can't participate. This is not a poll tax, but the cost of participating. We're sorry that it's not free. If you want free, go to the Oklahoma Democrat or Libertarian conventions. They're free. But because of all the stupid bullshit so many of you have been buying into the past several years, fundraising is down. You can blame it on the tall building crowd, but you give them no reason to give when you demand purity. Figure it out and come back with a better answer. 

That was fun. We hope you found it fun too. CW/CM/SC

p.s. Again, we say that we were right, @layners89, and you were wrong.

p.p.s. Ronda Smith and Matthew Vermillion are still on the shit list. Waiting on your replies!


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