"Innocence," "Support," and "God's Misfits"

Gentle reader:

We have attached two of the four

affidavits in the Cimarron County dispute for your unbiased consideration. The other two are repetitive of these, but we more particularly attach these two because Cimarron County had listed these two as delegates to the OKGOP Convention on documentation improperly submitted by Colorodoan Kenny Bob Tapp. We in particular highlight two things in the affidavits that echo what we've been talking about for the last year:

"CW asked about Kelley and why she had to die and was told by Cora that she wasn't innocent either, as she had supported Butler."

Kelley was a pastor's wife from Hugoton, Kansas, who was on the trip with Butler as a court-ordered visitation monitor. That's it. Little did she know the events that would unfold due to her generosity. But we focus on this line because SO MANY action figures take this exact approach with anyone that associates with a RINO. We've heard so many times that a particular passionate, hard-core conservative isn't "innocent" because they associate with someone the commenter doesn't like. Therefore they can't be trusted. Now we aren't calling action figures murders in the least. (Well, except for Tifany and Tad. We are calling them murders.) We hope action figures aren't murders, and assume similarly. But it's this black/white approach that action figures embrace, ignoring the grey of this world that reality provides that is so sadly encapsulated in this story that for the love of God I hope they will weigh. I'm sorry, this world is comprised of grey. Such a black/white approach also ignores coalition and consensus building. It demands my way or the highway, and if you're not fully on board, you're against us. Reminds us of the lyrics to one of the most underrated U2 songs, "Exit": "He went deeper into black, deeper into white, see the stars shine like nails in the night, he felt healing, healing, healing hands of love like stars shining from above."

A pastor's wife died simply because she was trying to fulfill a request of the court. She was there to monitor visitation. She was innocent. And because she felt called to serve on that morning, she was sadly called home to her savior.     

"Through OSBI investigation, it was learned that they call their group, God's Misfits. Regular meetings are held weekly and Twombley's and the home of Barrett and Lacy Cook."

By information and belief, we have come to understand that this group believed themselves to be part of the "sovereign citizen" movement around the country. The theory behind such a group is that by declaring themselves sovereign, they cannot be held subject to the laws of any authority other than their own. Search youtube for videos sometime and you can see some humorous interactions between sovereign citizens and the police. But most of those who consider themselves sovereign citizens are anarchists and survivalists that deem themselves above the law. So let's be clear: the Cimarron Republicans joined together and elected a county chair that did not believe herself subject to the laws of this state or nation. Really. I suppose she's finding out otherwise right now, but that's what the Cimarron County GOP did. We honestly hope that when the GOP gets together out there to pick a new chair (BTW, Tifany needs to resign or the county gop needs to make her) I hope that one criteria is that anyone even adjacently affiliated with the sovereign citizen movement is ineligible. Colorado residents that provided support to her should be ineligible as well. 

This is the extremism

that the Wayne Hills and Don Spencers passionately stir up. This is the anger that Leslie Nessmith and Lynelle Medley tap into. In the 1970's, William F. Buckley saw this sort of extremism growing in a group called the John Birch Society. He was a one-man wrecking crew that sought to cast out "John Birchers" from the conservative movement. Maybe this needs to happen again. Who will cast out the John Birchers of today? If no one steps up, we'll do it ourselves. 

With grave seriousness, CM/CW/SC 


Our friend Karin's stupidity vs. the truth


If Truman Capote were alive