Populism leads to bureaucracy

Gentle reader:

We really don't know 

where to start. Really, we don't. In part because we feel like we've addressed the issue voluminously with you all, yet here we are.

We addressed Dear Leader Wayne Hill's effort to unseat officers (improperly) in Washington County. We've addressed his improper efforts to unseat Chairman Dahm, and we've mentioned his efforts to get rid of the Osage County Chair (she's doing a good job up there) that somehow snuck in under his watch. NOW, after failing at getting rid of Chairman Dahm, he's full-throatedly publishing a road map on how to get rid of county chairs that he opposes. Really. On his okgrassroots webpage, he lays out his map of how to do it. Again, it's not accurate, and is going to lead to continued chaos through a fall election. 

The base of what Dear Leader Wayne philosophically contends is on one level wrong, and one level right. In the roadmap he states his constant rant: the county (or state committee) elects the chairman, the committee grants authority to the chairman, and the chairman is accountable to the committee. We're fine with this, and don't disagree. But in Dear Leader Wayne's populist vision, this leads to a weak Chair, and this vision actually harms him if he gets into authority. So how does a chairman accomplish anything if a committee wants to second-guess every decision and approve every line of a phone bill (something Wayne's appointees to the budget committee really wanted to do)? Well, they don't accomplish a thing. The accountability becomes the job rather than leading, raising money, and winning elections. Rather you've built an angry mob bureaucracy that mandates compliance without knowing or accomplishing the real job. Who actually wants that job? We just won a huge fight over federal bureaucracy just two months ago, and these people want to add layers and layers of it within our party structure. And as we've seen over the past year, the action figures fight among themselves, so it wouldn't be shocking to see them undercut each other once they get into authority of course under the guise that the committee holds the authority.

At some point, a committee must take a deep breath and determine whether they want to fight over control and rules, or win. If its the former, they will become irrelevant, and since nature abhors a vacuum, someone like Fount Holland will see the void and fill it. If it's the latter, they need to partner with the people that they are trying to drive out. The Action Figures claim that they want this, but they really don't.

So, county chairs,

when the Dear Leader Mafia comes for you, and it will, you have two options: make sure you get your people to the meeting and vote their effort down (following proper procedure, not the one they claim is accurate) or get out of their way. That's it. Those are the options. Sorry, there's nothing else to do. 

New Legislators

We won't dwell on this, but we celebrate that a few of these legislators lost in the primary and runoffs. Here's the reality that action figures don't realize: you fill these people full of bullshit and lies, then they get elected and see how things truly operate, and then they realize how far off you are with your crap, and then you call them RINOs. It's really a time-honored tradition. Some of you think Ted Cruz is a RINO now. Name one that it hasn't happened to on some level. Yes, it even happened to Dahm. He learned the authority of the job, and the limits as well. You never hear a Legislator rant "we are the supreme authority of the state." It's true that they are, but they don't do it. So sure, celebrate throwing out RINOs, but recognize that two weeks into session next February, you will be calling the people you celebrated this fall RINOs too. Then watch them realize you're stupid and irrelevant and run from you.

There's football on tonight. Watch it. Relax. Laugh a little. Read College Football Twitter, not angry Wayne Hill Twitter. Maybe hook up with your spouse for once. Then come back fresh and relaxed knowing that in the end it's all stupid.



p.s. Happy birthday, Ron Black! 



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