Mother's day, and Paul Bondar

Gentle reader:

Happy Mother's Day to the mothers out there. BUT something needs to be said here: too many of you take this Hallmark holiday WAY too far. A perusal of Facebook makes it look like some of you think it's a second birthday (and frankly some of you need to quit celebrating your birthday the way you do. You're old. Once you're 21, quit thinking you need a party every year.) Yes, mothers should be recognized. NO, it's not a day for everyone to pause what they are doing, travel halfway across the state, and go to tea or hold a cookout. Nor is it a day to lay in bed all day. That's lazy. Be a normal human, say thank you when someone wishes you a Happy Mother's Day, and get on with the day. It's also pathetic when (usually women) get on Facebook and post photos of their mother that died 30 years ago. Stop it. You're just trying to gather likes and "she was beautiful" comments. She has a special place in YOUR heart, not ours. Keep it there, you look pathetic. (And yes, the Cherokee Maiden is writing this. A daughter AND a mother. Quit overdoing it with all of the Hallmark holidays. This includes Father's Day, Valentine's Day, Trans Day of Visibility, and any other day that has no basis in faith or patriotism.) NOW, On with the email...

This morning the Oklahoman

ran a story that Nondoc already ran several weeks ago, but is somehow a story again. In a front-page story, reporter M. Scott Carter wants you to know that "Treat says Stitt's spar with Senate is personal." Treat is interviewed for the long story. 

It may not seem like it, but we don't dislike Treat. And we've tamped down our comments since his son's very major car accident. But the continued whining about the Governor is getting a little uncomfortable and this doesn't help him. None of us really care if you like each other. You're Republicans, get shit done. The fight began shortly after Stitt was sworn in. Stitt wanted to get shit done, but (admittedly) didn't know how government worked and didn't follow procedures. Treat, the consummate government process guy, didn't like the Governor's maverick approach and immediately pushed back on it. The dance has gone on ever since. The speaker engaged in the fight for several years, but he grew out of it. Surprisingly, we figured Treat would grow out of it before the Speaker did.

The article is written in such a way that Treat is trying to put down Stitt with a number of comments like "His ability to influence policy and cast a vision and lead is less than optimal." Stitt has two more years, Treat has one more month. Treat is right that governors lose influence at the end of their terms, but what does that say when you have a few brief weeks?

There also seems to be a boogeyman out there that Stitt is raising money to oppose sitting senators. Where is the hard evidence of that? David Bullard has talked about it, and so has Nathan Dahm. But show us the hard evidence this is an actual thing? There is none beyond Treat's ultra-sensitivity to anything Stitt says or does. Behind Treat's "the governor hates me" whiny comments lies a more accurate comment of "I hate Governor Stitt."

Marissa is beginning to look like the more strategic elected official in the Treat household.

Have you seen the new ads

for some random dude named Paul Bondar? If you're anywhere near the OKC news market, you're seeing ads for a dude that is running in the CD4 Republican primary named Paul Bondar. He's spent some serious coin to put ads on cable and live air. The ads are terrible, and borrow from his insurance company ads, but I guess you skimp on quality when you want to saturate the airwaves at 9am on a Saturday morning. 

Let's baseline this for you: Paul Bondar is a random dude that has an insurance company in Illinois, and lives in a mansion on a lake in Northern Texas. He voted in an election Texas held in March. (He's the kind of guy a normal election board would throw off the ballot if they followed the law, but they don't here, which is why Cole likely didn't even try.) Yet he rented a house in Norman, and has allegedly bought land in Durant (outside of CD4) where he plans to build a home. Paul says directly that Roger Stone told him to run against Tom Cole. Which is funny, because Roger claims to speak for Trump, but Trump has endorsed Cole. In one of the ads Bondar runs, he flashes a photo of himself with Roger Stone, General Flynn, and the false prophet Jackson Lahmeyer. Cole has historically received a loud obnoxious opponent, but now he's attracted one with money. And this obnoxious opponent is spending it. But remember Cole is now the Chair of the Appropriations Committee, responsible for negotiating and setting the federal budget. You think that those seeking funding from the budget won't run superpacs supporting Cole? You're wrong, because one already is running ads. And Paul looks foolish in them. Just like he does in the story KFOR ran this weekend. "I'm in an office." Dude, just admit you're in Texas, and if true, say it's just for the day. Yes, Bondar will get some votes. But he's from Texas, and even action figures (other than the false prophet Jackson Lahmeyer) and Oklahoma State fans go horns down on Texas.

Happy Trails, Action Figure 

Leslie Nessmith. In a lengthy, sob-inspired post, Nessmith highlights the division within the Action Figure world, and how she has better things to do, and will be deactivating the OKGOP Action Team Facebook page. Her complaints don't seem to be with "the establishment" from what she wrote, but with the growing power struggle within the "grassroots" elements of the party. We've been following this growing development for a while, and we mentioned the growing fight in our last email, but we aren't confident the sane elements of the party should cheer just yet.  We'll believe it when we see it, but if true, all the best to you in your post-Action Figure life.

Chemtrails from airplanes

are on the mind of the new Nationalcommittee Woman Charity Linch. After being elected by the state convention, Charity celebrated by looking like a sophisticated communicator posting Qanon conspiracy bullshit that airplanes drop chemicals on people as they fly by. Even if you really believe this, you don't talk about this sort of thing as a statewide party official. Hell, the Seminole Chief passionately believes that Tupac Shakur is still alive. But has he ever admitted to it publicly or bragged about it in professional circles? Nope. Do better 

Enjoy your week, CW/CM/SC


Conspiracy theories


If you do what you did, you get what you got