If you do what you did, you get what you got

Gentle reader:

There are no truer words than those of our 8th grade U.S. History teacher, Mr. H. He kept a large white notepad on the blackboard where he had written in black letters, "If you do what you did, you get what you got." Think about those words. They can have a good meaning or a bad meaning and even if you think they have a good meaning or a bad meaning, the long term result may actually be different than you think it means today. This applies to the results of the convention this past Saturday as well.

On January 22 of this year, we wrote:

Which leads to our change of direction:

Let them have it. Let it burn. Dahm isn't hard core enough? He should resign and let Wayne take over. Elect Brian Hobbs Vice Chair. The next convention should install Lynelle Medley National Committeewoman. Hell, maybe Don Spencer or Sean Roberts should be National Committeeman. Let them have it all. (BTW, these people know that NCM/NCW have to pay their own way to RNC meetings, right? Same with the Chair if he doesn't raise enough money.) Let them have no excuse when it fails. They'll obviously complain about the tall building crowd shutting off donations, but ultimately they will be to blame for thinking they can do it without RINOS around. Victory won't be run through them since they censured members of the federal delegation, and the FEC allows it to be set up alternately, making them even more irrelevant. Remember that Senator Pat Roberts (R-Kansas) set up his own grassroots "party" for his last two races because the KSGOP burned it down. Lankford is likely already done dealing with the OKGOP at this point, so he'll likely do the same. And the RNC ran victory through a friendly county party in Nevada a few years ago when the misfit toys took that state over. They do not realize that the party is only as strong as the coalition and relationships with the elected officials.They want purity, let them have it. 

You all thought we hit rock bottom with John Bennett. We didn't because they didn't have control of it all. So let them have it. Even Republican Woman State Chair. All of it. Let them move (or make them move) out of the Dewey Bartlett center so that the trust can actually make money off of its tenants. It CAN be done without the OKGOP apparatus, so let it burn fully to the ground. Then we will be there with know-how and resources to restore it if we think it's worth it. It's time for this to happen. Quit fighting it. Let it happen. 

You all kept fighting. And now you're disappointed. You didn't fully understand what we told you in the above language. We also told you a year ago that Pam Pollard would lose. That's not to say we wanted her to lose, but we called our shot, and were right.

Let us make it clear

for you. Wayne Hill, or someone that Wayne wants, will be elected chair next year. Chairman Dahm may survive until that point, or he may be fed up and move on. But the absolutely clear part of this is that the Action Figures will possess full control at this time next year, and will have no one to blame but themselves at that point. We think that's the case already, but will be fully accurate next year. Will they elect more "pure" Republicans as a result? No, but that will begin the disillusionment within the action figure community, and only then will their involvement fall by the wayside. 

There is one possible

way to derail our prediction: a schism between Sean Roberts and Wayne Hill is becoming public due to Sean's email circulated last week. If the infighting grows too much, they will eat themselves alive. Remember the old political maxim: the other side has problems too.

Some of you wrote to us asking

for our analysis of the convention. It's nothing new. We wrote it in January. They had more people show up, so they won. They still make up a minute number of republican votes in the state.  And that's why they can control the OKGOP governance, but it's a pyrrhic victory because the OKGOP isn't what they think that it is. Republicans will win without control of the OKGOP and it will piss them off.

Yours truly,


p.s. In case you didn't look closely at the mug shot of Tifany Adams, she is wearing a "Prayers for Trump" shirt in the photo. Absolutely amazing. Not prayers for the mother of her grandchildren, but for Trump. We continue to pray for Tifany's soul; we aren't sure it's in tact at the moment. So many thoughts about that one.


Mother's day, and Paul Bondar


Our friend Karin's stupidity vs. the truth