Left Turn Lights, and Various & Sundry

Gentle readers:

Did you know that

it is possible to determine if a driver in Oklahoma took driver's ed here or in another state? Or at least has driven extensively outside of the state? It's 100% true. The key to this determination comes exclusively from watching how a driver acts at a left-hand turn light. Okies are firmly taught that you stay put at the white line until it's clear to turn. This is the x-y-and-z of idiocy. This is not the way that drivers are taught to drive outside of Oklahoma. Not only is the Oklahoma method discourteous to drivers behind the jerk wad sitting at the white line on a green left, but it's inefficient. Now we're not saying that we need to be Pittsburgh, where local protocol gives a free left turn to the first driver at the light before the oncoming traffic moves, but help your fellow left turning friends out and scoot out in advance of your turn. It's very possible you could be helping 2-3 extra cars make that light with your kindness. (Maybe next time we'll write about merging during construction and introduce you to the "zipper merge" so that you quit honking at us like WE are the rubes for staying in the lane you abandoned two miles back!


Our dear friend Karin Hardin made a poor decision on Saturday in our opinion. Not only did she bully her way into being seated at the CD1 Convention, but she insisted on bringing her own ballots for use. (sounds like a rookie move by the front row gunner in a community college poli sci course.) She also told the convention that she planned to sue if she had not been seated (Kreeper Krems would have been her counsel, sadly. More importantly, he orchestrated the action figure fight, and lied about it when confronted with the direct evidence.) (If you forget why we call him Kreeper Krems, ask Ms. Bounds, whom he stalked.)

But according to Karin, the opposition to Trump won't come from outside our party, but inside our party this time. Allegedly, impure RINOS will go to convention (despite being legally bound to vote for Trump) and vote for someone else (also despite there being no other option under the RNC rules.) And so we needed to elect "real" trump delegates as defined by the action figures. Frankly, we view the whole election of delegates as a vanity project, and don't really care about who wins the opportunity to spend more than $6000 per person (including the OKGOP $600 delegate fee) to get a roommate at a crappy hotel all the way out in Madison. We started going to conventions in the 80s. If you haven't been I guess it's a big experience, but not for what it costs today. But let's put this in perspective: The same people that complained about convention at $75 last year (and will likely complain about this year's $119 cost) are completely willing to dig into their pockets to shell out thousands for a week in a second-rate midwestern city. At least they have Culver's up there, but that's about all the Cream City (real nickname, not just our crude humor) has going for it. Karin, you've disappointed us here, but we hope it's all worth it when the quadrennial exercise by the press occurs where they interview a bunch of okies at convention to show how retarded our delegates are. Except this year, they will be right if they interview our CD1 folks. (Hint, hint Reese Gorman.)      

BTW, you really missed out when the CD1 Convention Chair John Eagleton told everyone to "sit down and shut up." We hope you had your video cameras rolling, Action Figures.   

Did you know (#2)

That a small group of conservatives (We'd say they are action figure adjacent. We won't name them because we like them) got together in a zoom meeting? The topic was Wayne Hill and how they are all tired of his bullshit. Allegedly Sean Roberts is as well. Can't and won't verify that, but it was stated at the confab. We guess every now and then Sean has a dose of common sense in between rounds of Fortnight on his Xbox. 

We have not discussed

The NCM/NCW races much, but we think we are safe to do so now. Larry Murray is gaining no traction likely in part because That Dude Wendy Steerman is too busy running, and will lose, to one of the most conservative senators in the Legislature. Why she ran against Julie Daniels is beyond us, but whatever. Larry Murray is a stooge that has no guidance. Ferlin Kearns has built a vast coalition that will be hard to overcome. Hell, one of the signal groups that one of the action figures has us in shows even in the group Ferlin has strong support. We see no chance at success for Larry, and this pleases us.  

Charity Linch has zero shot at winning with the three YUGE endorsements Pam is about to roll out. (We always like how Pam tells folks don't tell anyone, but then we hear the same news from 10 other people that she told the news to.) Look, Pam is important to the party. the vast institutional knowledge is essential. Maybe if more people listened to her we wouldn't be where we are in the OKGOP. We didn't think she had a chance several months ago, but she's proven us wrong. 

By the way, we LOVE the signal chatter still even if we don't share about it as much. Great place to gather conspiracies (and nutty drama.) Here's the thing we've learned from Signal, and our own emails: You gossip worse than 12-year-old girls. and are about as factual as them, too. The moral relativism that some of you spin make us wonder if you all are Unitarian or Baha'i, just making up whatever fits your word view.

The Governor's Task Force on Election Threats and Ethics Reform

Has completed it's report. It came out about where we thought it might: dark money is constitutional, and nothing can be done about it. We agree with this, whether we would prefer it was different or not. BUT, the answer is to free up contribution limits for candidates and parties so that they can compete on equal footing with dark money groups. We uncomfortably agree with this after thinking it through. Just as guns don't kill people, money in and of itself is not dirty. It's how it's used. Based on the report, the First Amendment allows for that without restriction in dark money groups, and to let candidates and parties to compete, they should be given equal opportunity to raise funds but still report their contributions for public review. Also, our elections are secure, our voting machines can't connect to the internet, and they do audits, but want the audits as a requirement in state law. Not shabby if you ask us. And if you don't like what they came up with, just blame Ferate, since he chaired the thing. We're pretty sure he doesn't care.

FINALLY, more from the Panhandle:

It seems that the "disappearance" of the two young women occurred just before Cimarron County GOP Chair Tifany Adams was about to lose custody of her grandchildren to her ex-daughter-in-law. Weird. A coincidence I'm sure. 

All for now. With love, CW/CM/SC


The REAL OCPA and More Karin Harding


Trans day of Visibility and Murder in Cimmaron County