Trans day of Visibility and Murder in Cimmaron County

Gentle reader:

On Saturday, the White House gave conservatives

a big middle finger of a gift when they declared Easter Sunday to be "Trans Day of Visibility." Apparently this is one of the FIFTY SIX annual recognition days, including "Gay Uncle Day." That number does not, however, include the FOUR specific months that recognize alphabet people. The next time you are told that alphabet people are discriminated against, share the fifty six days and four months of recognition that they get.

But the point here is that the holiest day in Christianity, Easter, was either 1) used as a way to elevate trans day of inclusion, or 2) thought so little of that it got in the way of the liberal agenda. Whatever the consideration, it did not help the liberal cause. Poll after poll after poll shows the trans agenda is an 80-20 to 75-25 issue in favor of conservatives. Many liberal women cannot buy into men trying to horn in on what was not too long ago considered ONLY theirs: their femininity. Same for their sports.

Camille Paglia is a professor in Philadelphia that studies sexuality and advocates for a non-radical approach to feminism. She opposes marxism despite her liberalism. She is also a strong advocate for masculinity, and is regularly drowned out as a dinosaur in the radical leftist movement, but her words on the transgender movement are important: 

"Anyone who collaborates in an intrusion into a developing child's body and mind is guilty of child abuse - a crime against humanity, because that child is not prepared to make such a decision. It's become a fashion that the transgender definition has become kind of a convenient label for young people who may simply feel alienated, culturally, for many other reasons. In the 1950s they might have become a beatnik, in the 1960s they might have become a hippie and taken mind-expanding drugs, and so today you're encouraged to think that your alienation is because you are not totally defined with your particular inherited gender definition. A lot of this has to do with the assault on masculinity. Because everything is about expanding women's rights, but terminating men. There is a rather terrifying disconnect between the infatuation with the transgender movement and what is going on out there [in society.]" If you want to hear a two-hour discussion Jordan Peterson has with Paglia on a broad array of postmodern thought - including marxism - you can find it here.

What the White House, California Governor, Elizabeth Warren, and so many other leftists handed our side on Saturday was an amazing gift that opened up so many realizations that on Monday even Joe Biden himself denied he made such a declaration. But remember, Republicans are like an 18-year old boy trying to take a consenting girl's bra off: they will fumble the experience and lose the chance either because he doesn't know what to do with the opportunity, or because we go too far with what we've been handed. Republicans will screw this up, guaranteed.

On Thursday, GOP Vice-Chair Wayne Hill

announced on his personal email system that there will be an "Evening with Oklahoma Patriots." Not strange at all that this event will take place during the time that the OKGOP Convention Gala is usually held. This is the stinking vice-chair directly encouraging money to be diverted away from the party, and he knows it. It pisses us off to no end, but honestly our anger here extends to the OKGOP leadership because they still don't have a speaker for the dinner, and keep thinking that Senator Mike Lee will come in for them. These people realize that Mike Lee would ask Lankford and Mullin whether he should come to Oklahoma, right? Why should Lankford help a group of people that tried to censure him? And what reason does Mullin have to help? Asking Ted Cruz would result in the same issue, except he has an election coming up.  

We are also hearing that the price of the convention has not been announced yet, but will be significantly higher than even the one folks complained about last year. When the party isn't raising money, you get to foot the bill. Sorry, complainers. By the way, we know the price, but we'll let you be surprised on Saturday when registration finally goes live. Action figures Lynelle and Leslie, activate the team!

Also, the CD3 convention will cost $40 to attend. Really. I guess Joe Vaden realized that there's a cost to put on an event. We hope you whine to him loudly and refuse to pay it like Mike Ford did last year. Joe, please make sure you're recording all money you take in as well as your expenditures. We'd hate to see an FEC complaint filed against you. 

If you watched ABC News on Monday night,

You saw a story about two mothers from Hugoton, KS that disappeared with only their car found severely damaged, marred with blood, and a broken sledgehammer. One of the mothers, Veronica Butler, is the former daughter-in-law of Cimmaron County GOP Chair Tifany Adams, and reports we have from the county are that Veronica was on her way to pick up her kids from Tifany's house. OSBI is reportedly investigating this as a double murder. OSBI has also reported that Tifany is nowhere to be found, nor are the children. Given the personalities at issue, the Sheriff has recused himself and handed full authority over the investigation to OSBI. It is certainly too soon to jump to conclusions, so we will say this: We pray that Veronica Butler and Jillian Kelly are found safe and unharmed. But based on the reporting we have received, we are also sadly praying for the repose of their souls. We similarly pray that Tifany is safe, unharmed, and that the whole situation can be easily explained.    

We are writing this section while watching Gentner Drummond

beat up religious education and Christians in front of the Oklahoma Supreme Court. It's hard to tell, but we don't think that Gentner's views are going over well. This after the Court of Criminal Appeals beat him up in an argument last week when he asked for expanded time to conduct executions that are already years behind schedule. Maybe Gentner should let his staff argue the big questions like most AGs? Maybe he should quit showing off? This is not the way to kick off a race for Governor. Post-argument update: Gentner could win because of our liberal supreme court, but it doesn't really matter who wins, this will be appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court.

All for now, we may write another email at the end of the week.

In freedom,



Left Turn Lights, and Various & Sundry


Action Figure Charity Linch