The Party of Reagan and Toe Sucking

Gentle reader:

Perhaps it was time

or perhaps it had just been too long for many to really remember, but the party of Reagan was officially put to rest last evening. That's not to say that Republicans don't generally oppose abortion even if our nominee doesn't. That's not to say that Republicans don't care about the deficit even if our nominee doesn't. And that's not to say that Republicans don't care about a strong foreign policy even if our nominee doesn't. 

No, what the party of Reagan was criticized too much for was reason over emotion. THAT is officially laid to rest now. This primary season has firmly placed traditional conservatism against emotion, and emotion won in a landslide. Democrats have always been known as the emotional party, with Republicans offering "facts" to combat the emotion. Consider Goldwater's campaign slogan in 1964 ("In your heart you now he's right") with the Democrat response ("In your guts you know he's nuts.") Now we as a party have fully locked in to the immaturity of the left and are fueled by emotion. Emotion is the shifting sand that is discussed in Matthew 7. Without an anchor, your foundation will wash away. Now, our only anchor is whatever our cult of personality tells us it should be.

Six years ago

Nikki Haley, who would have unquestionably been the hottest President we've ever had, spoke at a National Turning Point USA conference. For whatever you think of her, she's a damn smart lady and at this particular speech, she spoke about "owning the libs":

“I know that it’s fun and that it can feel good, but step back and think about what you’re accomplishing when you do this — are you persuading anyone? Who are you persuading? We’ve all been guilty of it at some point or another, but this kind of speech isn’t leadership; it’s the exact opposite. Real leadership is about persuasion; it’s about movement, it’s bringing people around to your point of view — not by shouting them down, but by showing them how it is in their best interest to see things the way you do.”

We're sure most of you don't want to hear what a "loser" has to say about winning, but in most cases the best lessons come from a loss rather than a win. Unless someone tells you that loss was achieved by cheating. Then you ignore the real lessons. Nonetheless, we encourage you to recall Haley's words going forward, even if you take nothing else from this primary season. Because it is a necessary lesson. And if you don't like Nikki Haley, maybe you'll listen to Congressman Ken Buck, who voted to oust Kevin McCarthy:

“But really we’re at a time in American politics, that I am not going to lie on behalf of my presidential candidate, on behalf of my party. And I’m very sad that others in my party have taken the position that, as long as we get the White House, it doesn’t really matter what we say.” 

Now comes the hard part

We know, Republicans are riding high right now, Biden is at his nadir, but that will change quickly. Despite their efforts, the New York Times doesn't seem to have nudged Biden out of the race one bit with their polls. And now that Trump is the "nominee," they will shift into attack mode to defend Biden. Trump has spent almost all of his campaign funds on his legal fees. Biden has a warchest, not including what amplification the press will provide him. The focus will be on Trump now, and that does not bode well for him. Do not be deceived, Trump will have a tough road in the general. That's not to say he won't win, but it will not be the coronation that you think he deserves.

Sucking toes

is fucking disgusting. If that's your fetish, you're fucking disgusting. Those are feet and they are dirty. Two steps out of the shower, and your feet are dirty. They do not go in your mouth, and peanut butter does not belong on toes for others to lick or suck. This is a hill we will die on. So to see the Oklahoman this morning (front page, top of the fold) claim that Deer Creek High School has become "targets of right-wing ire" over toe sucking is just idiotic blather. Go read the tweets of Democrat Rep. Rosencrans on this issue. He thinks it's disgusting too. (Who knows, saying we agree with Jacob may make us RINOS.) 

You remember COVID? It was the left that was fearful of germs and a virus. We don't say this to suggest only liberals are germaphobes, as we have plenty of Republican germaphobes, but the Oklahoman making this an R vs. D issue makes me miss the days the Gaylord family owned the paper. We can still do without Pat McGuigan, but bring back the Gaylords. Pleeeeease? USA Today has ruined a fine institution. Republicans and Democrats alike are united that feet don't go in mouths. Don't turn this into a political fight, Oklahoman! 

The Action Figures

decided that the OKGOP's Trump Victory Party wasn't hard core enough last night (how can taco tuesday with Trump not be hard core enough), so they had their own segregated party at Dave & Busters. Tuesdays are trivia night at Dave and Busters and it's a given that none of them won. Leslie and Don likely got in a fight over the air hockey table, but we are waiting on reports to confirm that.

We'll cut it short there. 

With love,



Starring Ryan Walters as Anne Gorsuch


Cocaine Mitch