Cocaine Mitch

Gentle reader:

If you are looking for free scriptural prayer sheets, we recommend checking out the ones that Karen Hardin has linked on her web site at The Warrior highly recommends!

In 2018, a former coal company CEO 

and convicted felon named Don Blankenship ran for the U.S. Senate in West Virginia. His primary race wasn't the walkaway he expected, and in a bit of desperation, ran an ad about important West Virginia issues the Senate Majority Leader, Mitch McConnell. The claim was that McConnell's wife's family owns an international shipping company. One of their ships had 90 pounds of cocaine on it when it left Colombia years before. In fact, you probably now have cocaine in your system just for the mere act of thinking about Colombia. The point here is that the connection was quite tenuous, but Blankenship moved ahead with a very kind racist ad about China People, calling McConnell "Cocaine Mitch." (That terrible ad is enough content for several emails from us for weeks. Blankenship looks like he'd run an Atoka cockfight and invite Action Figures Don and Wayne by for Coors tallboys.) Mitch McConnell staffers embraced the name and they still refer to him as Cocaine Mitch. In fact, they sold t-shirts in Kentucky with the slogan on it and made $70k for the campaign.

There is a serious divide between 

those that love Mitch and those that hate him. Most of those that hate him don't realize that they don't hate him, but they hate the leadership position. Mitch McConnell is unquestionably a conservative. (Side light: Mitch McConnell clerked at the U.S. Supreme Court. The year he clerked, an Oklahoman named Larry Nichols was also a clerk. Great Oklahoma connection.) But the leadership position requires something unserious people don't like: compromise. Leadership positions require trades and give and take. It means winning some of what you want and living to fight for the rest incrementally. So Mitch didn't please the ballyhooers almost ever. Pleasing ballyhooers is a hard thing to do if you want to be effective.

Of those that really didn't like Cocaine Mitch

was Erick Ericson. We've told you that we love reading his insightful writing and tweets. Read the one he wrote today. For those of you that are lazy, we offer this one section:

"Mitch McConnell did not care about your or my temper tantrums and demands because he has long understood that a Republican majority, for better or worse, had the power to block the administrative state and build a judiciary that has no term limits or elections for its members. He has cared very deeply about that.

Whether you or I care for McConnell does not matter. You can say any Republican would have done what McConnell did, but you would have to ignore a series of Republican Senate Leaders before McConnell who did not ram through judges at breakneck pace and wage jihad against bureaucratic appointees. McConnell was willing to cut the throats Trent Lott and Bill Frist would never dream of cutting. The populist bros like to mock the Marquess of Queensberry Rules they think everybody is playing by. McConnell pants’d the Marquess and gave him a swirly before the populist bros were out of diapers.

Because Mitch McConnell does not care about what others think, he was happy to be the bad guy and denied Merrick Garland even an examination. McConnell made himself the villain so other Republicans could denounce McConnell, play nice on television, and win re-election.

If you think other Republicans could have or would have done what McConnell did, you display your ignorance of what transpired behind closed doors to keep Jeff Flake of Arizona and Susan Collins of Maine onboard Bret Kavanaugh’s nomination. If you think any other Republican would have or could have done what McConnell did, you have no grasp of the Senate’s operating flow and how McConnell expedited and rammed through Amy Coney Barrett’s nomination in the waning days of Republican Senate control in 2020.

Any Republican President could have picked a Gorsuch, a Kavanaugh, or a Barrett. But neither a Frist nor a Lott would have moved heaven and earth to get them all expeditiously to the bench. McConnell did because he cared about that."

One final word on Cocaine Mitch:
Republicans have been celebrating Cocaine Mitch stepping down all day long. But think about it this way: If Schumer had delivered a 6-3 majority to Democrats on the Supreme Court and that court overturned a conservative-favorite 2nd Amendment decision like Heller, They would lionize him and put his name on everything they can. Yet we as conservatives continue to prove we are the retarded party, and celebrate Mitch's departure.

We keep getting asked about
"Do you know about THIS Republican Women drama?" or "Have you heard about what's going on with the College Republicans?" One of us was a CR state officer, but our base answer is we don't care.

We think that the Republican Women, College Republicans, and Young Republicans are all worthless. Yes we said that. FAR more worthless than the OKGOP. You want to get involved? Participate with a candidate or at the state party. One of us used to go to Republican Women meetings in the 90s in another state. We now refer to it as the "What did Rush Limbaugh say on his radio show today" listening party. College Republicans can be fun but generally devolve into control fights (hey...maybe the Action Figures are stunted College Republicans that never got their way.) And Young Republicans...they just don't garner our interest. For all of the "we help the party" these groups always claim, all they do is bring drama and disinterest. Sorry, just being honest.

The Oklahoma Senate is
doing good things this week: Passing the grocery tax onto the Governor for signature, and this morning sent judicial reform to the floor by a committee vote of 14 to 4. Did you know that the Governor currently only picks judges that the Oklahoma Bar Association lets him? It's in the Constitution, believe it or not. That's like letting OG&E or PSO pick our Corporation Commissioners. 

ALL for today, have a good weekend!

Long live El Jefe,




The Party of Reagan and Toe Sucking


From Russia with Love