Guest Columnist: In Defense of Dahm – Final

Tomorrow the State Committee of the Oklahoma Republican Party will meet to potentially remove Chairman Nathan Dahm. I disagree with this course of action, and have outlined the reasons (linked below) in three articles.

Every single aspect of this meeting - or meetings - will be in dispute. Who can run it, what rules it operates under, all of it is subject to debate. Which meeting is valid, and which is improperly called. None of this should be happening and it is the fault of the Vice Chairman. An example of this chaos would be the State Convention, where certain parties were out of order the entire time (for no particular reason that I can surmise). I am still not clear on what the people responsible for this chaos seek, but I have come to a few conclusions. Here is my summary:

Chairman Dahm has followed the Rules.

  1. Vice Chairman Hill has violated numerous Rules.

  2. Vice Chairman Hill weaponized the Federal Election Commission to attack both Chairman Dahm and the Oklahoma Republican Party.

Read number three again.

The Vice Chairman - using tactics that would make Fani Willis, Arthur Engoron, Letitia James, Juan Merchan, and Merrick Garland proud - WEAPONIZED THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT AGAINST THE OKLAHOMA REPUBLICAN PARTY (and Chairman Dahm while he was at it).

The cost for Hill’s actions will be a long time coming, since nobody at this point can say how much the legal bills will be. There are already legal bills from Chairman Bennett’s era pending. Donations are few and far between because of the actions of the people aligned with this person and his followers.

These people have used rumors and lies to tarnish the reputation of a principled and good man, Nathan Dahm. I consider him my friend, and have followed him and his career with interest for more than a decade. He has my support for any office he chooses to seek, at any level - I trust him completely to do the right thing, no matter the cost. He is the type of person you hope and pray ends up in charge of the GOP - and yet, his term in office has been squandered by those stabbing him in the back.

These people disgust me and they should be ashamed of themselves.

It is surprising to me that the OKGOP can get anything at all done, considering the organized opposition he faces not from the democrats, not from the consultants or the lobbyists, but from those who should be supporting him. The VERY FIRST person who should be supporting him is his Vice Chairman. It’s in the damn Rules.

For now, I would ask that any who read this to contact their County Chairman, County Vice Chairman, and State Committee members tonight or tomorrow morning. Share with them the articles I have written for their consideration, and ask them to pray for the wisdom and guidance in their actions on these matters. I strongly considered sending my articles to all the delegates from this years’ state convention - I have the list - but decided to not do this, as it crosses a traditional line to not abuse our contact information. Therefore, my reach will be limited - but my conscience is clear. I leave it in your capable hands.


In Defense of Dahm - Part One

In Defense of Dahm - Part Two

In Defense of Dahm - Part Three

Rules of the Oklahoma Republican Party

Rules of the National Republican Party

Since I am not anonymous, here is who I am and the most recent roles I have held or currently hold in the Republican Party. I’m not running for anything, and have no plans to do so in the future - but I seem to have a hard time saying ‘no’ when people ask for volunteers.


Steve Dickson

Precinct 405 Chairman, Oklahoma County

2024 Oklahoma County Executive Committee

2024 Oklahoma County and State Convention Rules Chairman

2024 State Ad Hoc Resolutions Committee Chairman




Guest Columnist: In Defense of Dahm – Part Three