Our friend Karin's stupidity vs. the truth

Oh, boy, gentle reader,

We don't really know where to start

with this one. About a week ago we received the delegate list for the RNC Convention. There were some odd names on the list, but we were assured that it was a "coalition" list, arrived at to bridge the divide in the party. (We still aren't sure how people like Cathy Costello, Terry O'Donnell, and Suzanne Reynolds made the list. We like them, but odd picks. Of the three, Terry is the oddest, but Putting Ryan Walters on there and not the Governor is more peculiar.) Then, yesterday morning we found that Ferlin Kearns made one of his fact-based videos about being a bound delegate at convention. We came to realize the Action Figures were saying stupid things again.

THEN, Krems started picking fights about the 2012 and 2016 conventions. (We can confirm that Krems was definitely not at the 2012 convention, and we are certain he was not at the 2016 convention. He relies on Coloradoan Kenny Bob Tapp for his expertise on those years.)

THEN (yes, a second then), Our friend Karin Hardin starts sending signal messages about the proposed delegate slate being full of "never-trumpers" )(She says, quote, "To be clear not all are never Trumpers...but a good percent are." Name names, please, Karin.) and how it needs to be voted down. (Remember, the prophecy Karin delivered at the CD1 convention is that Trump won't be cheated in November, but at the RNC Convention this year.)

SO, let's try to amplify Ferlin's video, and rebut the statement Karin made claiming Pam Pollard doesn't know what she's talking about when she said it's not possible for delegates to go there and vote against Trump. We don't always buy what Pam is selling, but when it comes to rules we listen closely, even when we disagree. In order to do this, we watched Ferlin's video, read the state law, and spoke to multiple wise elders to clarify our accuracy.

Q. Is a delegate from Oklahoma "bound" to vote for the nominee that they are assigned?

A. Yes, by state party rule, RNC rule, and Oklahoma law. 

Oklahoma Statute title 26 section 20-104 (specifically sections b and c) outline the requirement for delegates: If a candidate in the presidential primary gets more than 15% of the vote, that candidate gets delegates from Oklahoma to the RNC convention. THIS IS AN IMPORTANT STATUTE because it points out that the delegate seats belong to the candidate rather than the individual holder of the seat. In reality, both legally and in actuality, a delegate can be replaced at a moment's notice, which is why we send alternate delegates in Oklahoma.

Also recognize that only one candidate got more than 15% of the vote in Oklahoma (the threshold to gain even ONE delegate) was Donald Trump. So ALL delegate seats in Oklahoma are, for clarity, the property of Donald Trump, and are mandated to vote for him.

RNC RULE 16 also makes clear that a delegate is BOUND to their assigned nominee at convention. This means that Trump will win on the first ballot if only due to the volume of votes he possesses on the first ballot.

OKGOP Rule 18(h) is where to look for the state authority. In effect, and as we've already said, all delegates belong to Trump this year.

Q. What if a delegate does not vote for Trump?

A. Their vote is VOID under state law.  Oklahoma Statute title 26 section 20-105 requires that a delegate sign an affidavit under force of law that they will vote for the nominee. If they do not, their vote at convention is void, and shall be replaced by the vote of an alternate willing to vote properly (just like we mentioned in the last answer.) And since an affidavit is a legal document, if someone chooses to perjure themselves, they can be arrested upon return to the state. (This was threatened by several district attorneys in 2012) 

Q. Have any of the delegates on the slate indicated that they plan to vote against the nominee that they are assigned to (Trump)?

A. No.

Q. Kreeper Krems and Coloradoan Kenny Bob Tapp swear that this has happened before. What happened?

A. First off, Kenny Bob, please quit calling state reps claiming that Tifany Adams should be let out of jail. She fucking admitted to the murders. Give it up, and pick a new county chair. (BTW, we now understand that Tifany was also president of the school board out there. Because she's about the kids. Maybe not the parents, but the kids.)

Let's start in 2012. Kenny Bob is claiming that delegates tried to vote for someone other than the possessor of the seat because the RON PAUL kooks (of which he was one) admitted that they wanted to take Mitt Romney seats at convention and use them to vote for Paul. See, they know this because they thought it up originally. Since the statutes that we mentioned above were put in place in 1986, the effort was as retarded then as it would be now, but that's the action figures for you. They were so intent on voting Paul, they left the state convention, held their own convention outside, claimed to have elected their slate, and appealed seven times all the way to the RNC floor. Yes, not surprisingly, they lost all seven times. BTW, know who else supported Ron Paul that year? Chairman Dahm and Chairman Ronda Smith. 

2016 was mentioned as well by Krems. This was a different situation, because Ted Cruz still had delegates on the floor at the convention. Marco Rubio may have as well. The concern in 2016 wasn't about bound delegates voting the wrong way, it was whether Trump had enough to get him out of the first ballot. If not, all delegates would have been unbound, and the bartering would have begun. This is not possible this year. Very different set of facts than 2016, very different scenario than 2016, and one that fear-mongers stirred up that year  but clearly didn't come to pass.

So Good Friend Karin, Kreeper Krems, and Coloradoan Kenny Bob,

We respectfully ask you to quit making shit up. Stop the half-truths. You're trading in false scenarios hoping for chaos. It's dishonest. And Karin, you owe Pam Pollard an apology. She was right, and you and your prophecy are definitely wrong.

Erick Erickson thought for the day:

"Major conservative institutions are hiring individuals on the right who claim to be conservative but are openly hostile to free markets. Instead of fighting to cut the size and scope of the government, they are happy to utilize big government to achieve their preferred outcomes. That's fine if they choose to do so, but quit calling yourself a conservative." https://t.co/FXi5xVQQ48

Convention week is here!

We hope we don't have to write, but we probably will. 

Enjoy your weekend. Mow the lawn. Do something with family. DON'T Lop off your daughter-in-law's head. Because next week you will be stuck in a south OKC church that hasn't been meaningfully updated in 30 years with a dude in a cavalry hat the hasn't showered in a year, a slack-jawed yokel from Colorado wearing jewish tzitzit on his belt and demanding freedom for Tifany Adams, and a bunch of people you think are RINOs (and think you are one too). If you don't enjoy this weekend like we suggest, your head will explode next week, we promise.

With love, CW/CM/SC


If you do what you did, you get what you got


"Innocence," "Support," and "God's Misfits"